Join us in documenting what has already been an unprecedented year. Our lives have been disrupted in many different ways. In order to maintain proper social distancing, dorms have been closed and classes moved online, many of our jobs are now remote, there are lines at the grocery stores, and we are not allowed to come into close contact with friends and family. Our goal is to document the lives of students, faculty, staff and alumni of Southwestern University, as well as residents of Georgetown, Texas. We hope to capture what life is like during a global pandemic from day to day and week to week. The items contributed to this site will help future historians detail everyday life in our community during this period.

20/20 Distance: A COVID-19 Digital Archive is a digital repository that seeks to preserve and make accessible content that was captured and created by community members about COVID-19. This digital archive seeks to ensure that the historical record surrounding this pandemic will include diverse perspectives from the community that has been directly impacted by the changes brought about by COVID-19.

Community members are invited to contribute original digital content, including photographs, videos, and stories related to COVID-19. Contributed content is publicly available. Materials containing unrelated or offensive content will not be accepted and removed from the site.

What content to share? [examples of possible submissions]

  • Images: photographs, screen captures of social media, communications, artwork, and other expressions of the moment
  • Audio stories
  • Video stories
  • Text stories
  • Files: emails, announcements, text messages, and flyers

If you do not want to submit digital content, Special Collections also seeks those who would like to submit paper based items like a diary, poems, letters, and artwork that capture the experiences of this time period. The goal is social commentary on this strange new time that we find ourselves in.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Content related to COVID-19 as detailed above.
  • From a member of the SU community [Student, Staff, Faculty, or Alumni] or resident of Georgetown, TX.
  • File size of contributed content does not exceed 250MB.
  • Metadata submitted is deemed to be accurate by the administrator.
  • Users have the right to submit content as long as it does not infringe on any existing copyright.