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  • Collection: Shaking schools to their foundations: Poems in the midst of a Pandemic
An out-loud reading of the poem "Spring Break Was Too Long." Which is a poem written from a child's perspective about the pandemic, and how it has changed what home is and what school is or was/
A poem written from a child's perspective during the pandemic, focusing on the the changes in their daily routine due to school being cancelled.
written poem for Dr. Marble's class
poem reading for Dr. Marble's class
This is a poem about a way in which I've found peace during this dark and scary time. This was written for the course "Foundations of Curriculum in American Schools".
This poem evokes both happier times when optimism rules the day and the human penchant for positive thinking, even in the face of inevitable loss.
Love does not make you weak, because it is the source of all strength, but it makes you see the nothingness of the illusory strength on which you depended before you knew it. -Leon Bloy
Part of the class Foundations and Curriculum of American Schools
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