Browse Items (137 total)
An empty playground set in Harris Playground
An empty little league baseball field, now that the spring baseball season is canceled.
The empty Harris Playground in Liberty Hill, TX. Stay at home orders have ensured no children on the playsets in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
The Liberty Hill sign in town, where I've been social distancing, even though I'm hours away from home.
Since social distancing began, I have been living with my friend on her family's ranch in Liberty Hill. I'm originally from San Antonio and my mom works in the medical field, so with my compromised immune system, it's a higher risk to be at home than…
Video of the Foundations and Curriculum of American Schools poem about moving forward
Foundations and Curriculum of American Schools poem about moving forward

Social Distancing
Photograph of the line at H-E-B promoting social distancing from the person in front of and behind you.
My mom made me and my siblings use dish towels in order to save paper towels since the grocery store is running low.
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