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Today, everyone is ordered to stay inside unless you absolutely need to go outside. People are wanting clorox, and masks and they are almost impossible to get today.
Because of Covid 19, gyms were shut down as it is an easy way to spread germs. Many athletes were using their homes as their gyms to still train for their sport.
Due to the corona virus, schools were shut down and houses and bedrooms were made into the new classrooms.
During the corona virus pandemic, many store shelves were empty due to the panic of the virus and the need for food and necessities.
This image was taken at my local grocery right after the pandemic began. This was the toilet paper and paper towel isle of the grocery store. Many people were collecting and getting enough toilet paper so they would never run out.
My mom made me and my siblings use dish towels in order to save paper towels since the grocery store is running low.
This is my sisters mood during this quarantine.
My bags are packed to head back to New Mexico.
This is Larry, he is a construction worker who has to work during the pandemic. If you look closely you can see his mask.
Due to an ongoing oil barrel price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia, plus the decreased driving because of the stay-at-home orders, a dramatic drop in gas prices resulted.
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