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The empty Harris Playground in Liberty Hill, TX. Stay at home orders have ensured no children on the playsets in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
An empty little league baseball field, now that the spring baseball season is canceled.
An empty playground set in Harris Playground
A sign in the window of a small business in Liberty Hill, TX that reads "Temporarily Closed Due to the Stay at Home orders!"
A street in Liberty Hill, TX that used to be buzzing with business before the stay at home orders.
The quietness since the stay at home orders, being represented through flags that usually blow in the wind.
A beauty salon in Liberty Hill, TX that has been closed due to not being classified as an essential business. The recent stay at home order protests have shown people holding signs saying things including "I need a haircut". I say, cut your own hair.…
A sign outside of an essential business in Liberty Hill, TX which reads "Only one person can enter at a time." to abide by social distancing rules
Right off the bat, this image resonated with me a lot because of the phrase ‘Trust the Process’ tatted on one’s skin. The girl in the image is a friend of mine who has competed in gymnastics and horse-back riding for most of her life. The tattoos…
This image shows my local park, Memorial Park, getting closed down for social distancing reasons. This image, while simple, has various feelings behind it. This park has been around for as long as I can remember and having to deal with its closure is…
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