Browse Items (137 total)
I went to the store this morning only because I was out of milk and eggs, two items that many of us eat routinely. As I stood in the 60+ long line, I took an iphone picture, waiting for the automatic doors to open at 7 a.m. Now, knowing I was to…
Letter from Interim President, Dale Knobel, to the Class of 2020 about changes to commencement due to COVID-19.
The item is a poem expressing the feelings of the author in the wake of COVID-19 and their concerns as an education student for the disabled and oppressed students they teach.
Highlight of my week. Standing in line at the grocery store before it opens just to buy toilet paper is just not feasible. A student worker told me about this helpful service several months before, but it took a pandemic for me to take advantage of…
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